“Benjamin Bernheim, close to the ideal, is as conquering as he is touching when he sings…”

Dans le rôle-titre, Benjamin Bernheim proche de l’idéal est aussi conquérant que touchant lorsqu’il entonne à la façon d’un adolescent timoré un suave « Salut demeure chaste et pure » au seuil de l’immeuble de banlieue où habite sa bien-aimée.

[In the title role, Benjamin Bernheim, close to the ideal, is as conquering as he is touching when he sings, like a timid teenager, a suave “Salut demeure chaste et pure” on the threshold of the suburban building where his beloved lives.]

Christophe Candoni

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


“…it levitates us by reminding us to what extent this technique has its place in French opera.”


“…supple and natural line of singing with eloquent diction and masterful transitions.”