“Benjamin Bernheim finds his best role in Faust…”

Benjamin Bernheim trouve en Faust son plus beau rôle, son identification au personnage, sa capacité à relever tout ensemble le défi vocal et théâtral, constitue une réussite absolue : on a en effet rarement entendu pareille aisance, phrasé aussi spectaculairement tenu, diction aussi pure culminant, s’il ne fallait retenir qu’un moment, dans l’extatique duo « Laisse-moi contempler ton image », véritable miracle d’émission et d’émotion mêlée. Et que dire du comédien, investi, modeste et profondément touchant.

[Benjamin Bernheim finds his best role in Faust, his identification with the character, his ability to create the vocal and theatrical challenge together, constitutes an absolute success: indeed we have rarely heard such ease, phrasing so spectacularly held, diction so pure and culminating. If we only had to remember one moment, it would be the ecstatic duet “Laisse-moi contempler ton image”, a true miracle of emission and mixed emotion. As an actor, he was invested, modest and deeply touching.]

François Lesueur

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


“Benjamin Bernheim is indeed the new French lyric tenor…”


“…the head voice and the chest voice keep finding the ideal dosage.”