““Der französische Tenor Benjamin Bernheim in der Rolle des Hoffmann, der sich in jüngster Zeit mit seinen Interpretationen von großen (Copy)
Mit kontrollierter Gesangstechnik gelang es ihm, die dramatischen als auch die jungen und frischen Farben in seiner lyrischen Stimme zu fokussieren. Die lange und äußerst fordernde Rolle hielt er auch im Laufe des Abends auf allerhöchstem Niveau. Er erhielt zu Recht den stärksten Applaus vom Publikum.”
(“The French tenor Benjamin Bernheim in the role of Hoffmann, who recently made his debut here in Hamburg both at the house and in the role with his interpretations of great tenor roles in the romantic repertoire, made his debut showing from his first aria class in both his performance in his singing. With controlled singing technique he managed to focus the dramatic as well as the young and fresh colors in his lyrical voice. He kept the long and extremely demanding role at the highest level throughout the course of the evening. He rightly received the strongest applause from the audience.”)