“His three melodies by Duparc touch on perfection both for the clarity of the articulation and for the play in the middle voice…”

Ses trois mélodies de Duparc touchent à la perfection tant pour la clarté de l’articulation que pour le jeu sur les demies teintes avec un sommet dans La Vie antérieure dont il exprime avec beaucoup de profondeur la douloureuse mélancolie.

(His three melodies by Duparc touch on perfection both for the clarity of the articulation and for the play in the middle voice with a climax in La Vie Former whose painful melancholy he expresses with great depth.)

Frédéric Norac

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


“An ideal singer was found for the hero in Benjamin Bernheim.”


“The emotion is here, and the viewer lets himself be carried away by the notes…”