“Bernheim, who has a voice of immense clarity and lyrical attractiveness, sings Puccini like a dream… Taking a stroll with him down the Boulevard des Italiens is a real treat.” (Copy)

Alan Riding

New York times

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


“Weil von Bernheim jede Phrase, jeder Ton dem Text und der Situati- on entsprechend moduliert wird, in Laut- stärke, Klangfarbe, Rhythmik, Agogik.”


“Wie ihm Lyrik und Emphase In perfektem Passagio zwischen Brust- und Kopfstimme gelingen, ist schlicht sensationell.”